My work involves aerosolising saliva. Now, all the bacteria, parasites and viruses in that mist go through this air purifier, reducing the load in the air. My team of healthcare professionals launches boost mode before patients arrive in the morning, at lunchtime when no one is around and in the evening. The rest of the day, we run it in standard, continuous mode. You just plug it in, and there are two buttons: one for continuous and the other for boost. Piece of cake. A few short seconds after plugging it in, you can feel that the room is getting a breath of purer, healthier and fresher air.
El purificador de aire personal
El purificador de aire personal

¡Vivir en una burbuja nunca fue tan relajante!
El purificador de aire profesional Shield Compact®, una auténtica burbuja de protección individual, protege la salud y la comodidad de las personas garantizando un aire puro y saludable.
El compañero idóneo y protector
Gracias a su formato compacto, es práctico y se puede llevar a todas partes, para una máxima protección a lo largo de todo el día.

Colores disponibles
- Negro mate
- Azul Zafiro
- Verde Malaquita
- Blanco Crema
Purificador de aire personal Shield Compact®, eficaz contra todas las impurezas presentes en el aire.
- Una tecnología única - la Smart Mineralisation®
- Un diseño de Ramy Fischler
- Compacto y ligero
- Ecodiseñado hasta en sus más mínimos detalles
- Made in France
+ información
Un rendimiento sin igual gracias a la tecnología Smart Mineralisation®
- Un 99% de los CONTAMINANTES tratados en ONE PASS*
- Un 95,4% de los ALÉRGENOS eliminados en ONE PASS*
- Un 85,4% de los AGENTES INFECCIOSOS eliminados en ONE PASS*
- Un 98% de los OLORES eliminados en modo Boost
*ONE PASS : un solo filtrado
- Peso: 805 gramos
- Material de la carcasa: aluminio anodizado
- Superficie tratada: hasta 20 m2
- Dos modos de funcionamiento: CONTINUO / BOOST
- Tensión de alimentación: 12 VDC
- Potencia: 22 W
- Aislamiento eléctrico: Clase III
- Cambio del filtro (REF. 5 90 2948) recomendado una vez al año
- Fijación a la pared en opción (REF. 2 90 3068)
- Antirrobo universal (REF. 2 10 2097)

La Smart Mineralisation®
Esta tecnología única, desarrollada por JVD, se basa en varios elementos tecnológicos que, combinados entre sí, proporcionan unos extraordinarios resultados y garantizan la inocuidad del aparato

Captura y destruye moléculas para recuperar aire purificado
El diseño completo del
Shield compact®
con mimoNuestra solución no sólo protege la salud, sino también el medio ambiente, con un diseño que opta por materiales sencillos de reciclar como el acero, la eliminación del plástico en todos los embalajes, y la posibilidad de reparar los productos durante 10 años.
Lee mas -
Diseñado por
un maestroCreador de la agencia RF Studio, Ramy Fischler fue elegido diseñador del año en 2018, y galardonado con la Orden de las Artes y las Letras por el Ministerio de Cultura y Comunicación francés, en 2016.
Lee mas -
Hasta su bolsa es práctica
Ligero y práctico gracias a su bolsa de transporte, el Shield Compact® se puede llevar a todas partes y protege en cualquier circunstancia. Discreto gracias a su pequeño formato (14 x 17 cm), se puede colocar en cualquier parte, por reducido que sea el espacio.
Un purificador de aire que inspira confianza!

The Shield Compact has become my first reflex in the morning. I arrive at my room and turn it on directly in Continuous mode throughout the day. Between two patients, especially when I have been in close contact with a patient or performed respiratory physiotherapy, I switch to BOOST mode, which allows for very high-quality air treatment and thus enables me to attend to another patient safely. I recommend all my colleagues use it because the patient feels like they are in a cocoon of freshness, and for us, it is also safer to work with this tool. I find that the air we breathe is fresher, somewhat reminiscent of the mountains, and I really couldn’t do without it today.

You arrive, take it out of the box, plug it in and it starts working. It’s very easy to use, with just two buttons, and it acts fast. I really like it. It’s decorative, pleasant and understated. If you just walked into a room, you would probably take it for a Bluetooth speaker. If I could add something to the product, I’ve heard of it coming in different colours but haven’t seen them. It would be great though to have a range that could fit into any interior. If I had to sum up my experience with Shield Compact® in just one word, it would be “easy”. Because it’s very easy to use.

To improve indoor air quality, I try to aerate the shop every day, but that’s been my only option up until now. I am subjected to lots of odours, due to the presence of many products in the shop, products with plenty of different fragrances. But now, I can hardly smell those products, even right next to them. With this air purifier, I feel reassured, much more at ease and less stressed by the risks of COVID. Yes, I would definitely recommend Shield Compact® for its effectiveness and for the sense of well-being it provides.

A few years ago, I learned that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air, and I have really paid attention to that ever since. I had some experience with an air purifier when I lived in Beijing, China, and had a large unit installed in my flat. From what I understand of how it works, it seems to be just as technologically advanced. And to be honest, throughout the test period, I took it back and forth between the office and home, so I was able to use it all the time. It’s easy to forget about, because it blends into the background. It’s very quiet, but you still know you’re protected.

We receive members of the general public, so we need a healthy environment. We also have a health protocol to follow: cleaning the frames after each use along with our sales tables. Having cleaner air is very important to us. I have noticed a big difference in the air that I breathe. Because I have allergies, I have found that I breathe better. The air smells pleasant now. I also saw a difference in my health, because I have also tried it out at home and can feel a real improvement. This product is definitely useful. Plus, the fact that it is compact and effective.

I like the design of the Shield Compact®. It is discreet, small and rather attractive. I have found it to be quite intuitive and easy to use. And when you put it in boost mode, it makes more noise but that’s reassuring to me and to whoever is with me. The increased intensity of noise gives a sense of effectiveness. Since I began using the Shield Compact®, whether for vaccinations or antigen testing, I feel more reassured.

I am allergic to pollen, dust mites, animal hair and feathers. I am most bothered by the ambient air when I sleep. So, I placed it in my room as a priority. Now, I fall asleep much more easily. I normally use Ventolin but I haven’t had to since installing my Shield Compact. I saw a difference after five or six days. I would like to have one at home forever. And I’m afraid of things going back to how they were before, when I needed to take medicine to breathe. This has really changed a big part of my life. I would recommend to anyone, without hesitation. The word that comes to mind is “happy to breathe like everyone else”.

I need to be able to offer and guarantee a healthy workspace, both for myself and for the coworkers who come here. I have a shopfront with windows that are hard to open, so it’s vital to be able to easily freshen the air. And you can really feel the freshness. It doesn’t cool the temperature, which is great. I won’t say there are no more odours, but maybe the smell is neutral or perhaps our sense of smell just isn’t used to that. I feel reassured that I am breathing much healthier air. There are just two buttons, one for normal mode and one for boost mode. Nothing could be simpler.

Here, we work with children, so we need real hygiene at several times of day. We are always having to wash our hands and disinfect all the surfaces. We still need to reduce our use of a variety of different products that may pollute the air a little. But I don’t think that would be enough. So, we set up a Shield Compact® in the bathroom, where we change the children’s nappies. We have had some outbreaks of stomach flu and colds. But now, we’ve seen a change, although we can’t say for certain if that is a result of the effectiveness of our Shield Compact® or just a more minor version of the virus. Either way, fewer children are falling ill. This is something that I would like to have in order to try to purify the interior space as much as possible, in addition to airing out the rooms. I think it can be reassuring too that it is eliminating viruses.

Toda la calidad del
Made in France
La pericia industrial de JVD
Toda la gama la han diseñado y fabricado, en nuestra planta de Rezé, cerca de Nantes, nuestros equipos especializados en higiene.
Un compromiso colectivo
La mayoría de los componentes se han fabricado en Francia, gracias al compromiso de nuestros proveedores locales.
- Socios locales

Soporte para pared
Diseñado por Ramy Fischler, el soporte de pared mantiene su Shield Compact seguro contra robos. Está fabricado en acero inoxidable, eco-diseñado y fabricado en Francia.
Más información
Bolsa antirrobo
Dispositivo antirrobo para asegurar su purificador de aire Shield Compact. Bloquea discretamente su dispositivo sujetándolo a cualquier soporte (pared, escritorio, etc.)
Más información¡Para ayudar a hablar
sobre el Shield Compact®,
hemos pensado en todo!
Este caballete se coloca cerca del Shield Compact®, junto a la cabecera de la cama o la mesa de oficina. Explica a qué se debe la presencia del Shield Compact® en la estancia, y las claves para utilizarlo correctamente.
Pegatina «Aquí, aire puro»
La pegatina, pensada para colocarse en un escaparate, una ventana o cerca del lugar de uso del Shield Compact®, sirve para indicar la presencia del purificador de aire profesional en las instalaciones, y así tranquilizar a los clientes, los pacientes o los visitantes.
Insignia «Aire purificado»
Dado que una página web también es un escaparate, la insignia «Aire purificado» puede formar parte de los elementos de la imagen corporativa (instalaciones, oficina, habitación de hotel, etc.). Así, se puede señalar a los clientes, pacientes o empleados que se ha purificado el aire de la zona.

Servicio comercial
Tél : +33 (0)02 40 75 98 20
Servicio técnico
Tél : +33 (0)2 40 75 96 30